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Admission Priority

Application Priority By Type

Each year, admissions and enrollments are conducted based on a priority system where available space is offered in the following order:


​1. Continuing and Transfers Students: Students currently attending (including mid-year transfer students) that complete the continuing student registration by the priority deadline are guaranteed a space at West Virginia Academy for the following school year. So the best way for any prospective student to achieve admission to West Virginia Academy is to act before the priority deadline by: (i) completing a new student application to be admitted this school year as a mid-year transfer student and then (ii) completing the registration for the following school year. 


2. Timely Applicants: Prospective students for next year who complete a new student application by the priority deadline in the spring are admitted for the next Fall based on available remaining space and, if the total applications for any grade level exceed the available space, then a lottery is held to randomly select students for admission and wait-list any students who are not admitted.


​3. Applications After the Deadline: Prospective students who apply after the priority deadline for the academic year as well as continuing students who failed to register by the deadline are then admitted in the order each application is received (or the renewal form is completed). If the grade level for the applicant is full then the student is wait-listed, again in the order the application is received.


Completing Registration and Enrollment: At the time of completing any application families should pay any applicable fees. Students who are wait-listed will be entitled to a refund of any fees paid if they are not offered a spot by the first day of the school year (fees are non-refundable for all other applicants). Families should be responsive to requests from the school after being notified of admission for purposes of the registration process for the next Fall, including submitting all required forms and authorizations. Failure to timely respond and provide registration documents by any deadlines communicated to the family may result in an admitted child's space being given to a wait-listed student.

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